34 EDITION • 22 to 26 November |
12 .11 .2017
Finalmente Juan Tonconogy y Bárbara Ruffini se quedaron con la 29a Edición de las #1000millas2017 a bordo de un Riley Sprite de 1936. ¡Felicitaciones a los ganadores!
El podio se completó en SEGUNDO lugar con Alejandro López y Gabriel Gourovich en un Delage DM de 1927 y en TERCER puesto quedó la dupla Daniel Erejomovich y Gustavo Llanos conduciendo un AC 16/80 Comp. Sport de 1938.
Con este triunfo Juan Tonconogy suma la cantidad de 6 victorias en las 1000 Millas Sport, siendo el máximo ganador histórico. 2009-2010-2012-2013-2014...y 2017!
11 .11 .2017
A tight definition
Today finished the second Stage and the 3 leaders are separated by only 32 points of difference. Tomorrow will be a day to be very focused and not make the slightest mistake since any carelessness can leave them out of competition because there is no discarding in this third and final stage.
4 .10 .2017
An itinerary with many news
The final itinerary of the 1000 Sport Miles promises an edition with new alternatives, as much in the sports side as in the touristic sites to visit as well, in a more dynamic route, with less traffic.
1st Phase: November, Thursday 9th: To Junín de los Andes, passing through Confluencia, Alicurá, lunch at Sociedad Rural, then returning to crown the end of the Arelauquen phase.
2nd Phase: November, Friday 10th: To San Martín de los Andes, passing through Villa La Angostura and the unbeatable Camino de los 7 Lagos, lunch at Chapelco Golf, returning after passing through Hotel Correntoso, ending at the Centro Cívico of Bariloche City.
Both phases, a tour of more than 500kms, were balanced between a series of tests and relaxed stops, thanks to the support of local Police, Transit and Highway authorities, that enabled us to transit through uknown places.
3rd Phase: November, Saturday 11th: A more relaxed route of 300kms, but with a high sport level. A series of tests at Circuito Chico, the climbing of the Cerro Catedral, a stop at Lago Gutiérrez and then strict tests at Foyel. What´s new in this phase: a definition till the end since different test will be held at Foyel, the descent of the Cerro Catedral, ending the last test at Circuito Chico, a mere few meters of the grand finale of the race, at the shore of Llao Llao Lake.
Last day of registration: October 15th
10 .8 .2017
Audi: Official Sponsor for the 7th consecutive year.
Audi permanently reflects its history of innovation, technology and vanguardism. It does it through Audi Tradition, by remembering with classical events the more than 100 years of success. In sintony with this the brand will participate for the seventh consecutive time as the main sponsor of the “1000 Millas Sport de la República Argentina”.
10 .7 .2017
REGISTRATION OPEN - 29º Edition 1000 Millas Sport
We are pleased to announce the opening of registrations for the XXVIII° edition of the 1000 Millas Sport of Argentina next Monday, July 10 th to October 15th (registration close)
The rally will be held once again on the roads of the Argentinean Patagonia on November 08-12, with headquarters at the Llao LLao Hotel & Resort - Golf - Spa, Bariloche, Province of Rio Negro.
The number of participating vehicles is limited to 150.
We'll be looking forward to seeing you!
16 .11 .2016
Slalom en el Catedral, con premio especial
En la búsqueda permanente de innovación y nuevos desafíos para los participantes, la edición 2016 de las 1000 Millas Sport puso en juego la Copa Catedral. Siete Pruebas Cronometradas se dispusieron en un circuito de 66 metros de extensión, emplazado en la playa de estacionamiento de la base del famoso Cerro, uno de los atractivos turísticos –por excelencia- de San Carlos de Bariloche.
15 .11 .2016
Por octavo año consecutivo el Club de Automóviles Sport (CAS), acompañó la iniciativa de la subasta solidaria -cuyo noble objetivo- le permite al Banco de Alimentos recaudar fondos para que 100 mil personas se alimenten, diariamente, en 750 comedores y otras organizaciones sociales ubicadas en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y 30 partidos del Gran Buenos Aires.
La actriz, modelo, y conductora de TV, Andrea Frigerio no sólo engalanó la ceremonia de cierre de la 28va edición de las 1000 Millas Sport, también colaboró con un cálido testimonio y sentido mensaje, a comprometerse socialmente con quienes más lo necesitan. Hija de una maestra rural, Frigerio conoce muy bien la situación de desnutrición que padecen miles de argentinos, impedidos, ante la falta de recursos económicos, de una digna alimentación. Consustanciada con la misión que se lleva adelante desde hace años, para el Banco de Alimentos fue un orgullo contar con su inestimable participación, como la de Ernesto Claramunt, pues ambos fueron los encargados de llevar adelante la ya tradicional Subasta Solidaria.
13 .11 .2016
Erejomovich, The Winner, Closed a Brilliant Season
This is his second victory in the 1000 Millas and his first triumph in Patagonia. The five-time Argentine Classic Sport Cars Champion also got hold of his fourth Triple Crown. It certainly was a great finish because in addition to the real difficulties of the PC, mistakes and anxiety made averages soar. The winner, the podium, and the top ten racers were all at stake until the last timed race.
11 .11 .2016
Is this going to be a head-to-head among champions?
After this Friday's leg, which joined the Llao-Llao Hotel with Alicurá, including 29 regularity tests in Circuito Chico, Los Girasoles del Limay, Alicura, Dina Huapi, and Cerro Catedral (in addition to two stamp controls and two time controls, one in Bariloche's Civic Center), and almost 300 km behind, the 1938 AC 16/80 Comp. Sport of the team Erejomovich-Llanos has 291.18 penalty points, 36.42 less than the 1926 Bugatti 35 A of the "Buga-Tina” team.
11 .11 .2016
Confianza generalizada
Tras casi 500 kilómetros de carrera uniendo, en un ida y vuelta, el Hotel Llao-Llao con el Regimiento de Exploración de Montaña 4, en San Martín de los Andes, las tripulaciones candidatas a anotar sus nombre en el top 10 de la clasificación general consideraban haber superado con un buen promedio de precisión las 31 Pruebas Cronometradas que comprendieron la jornada.
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